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So, I’m Gone for a While, and What Do I Do?

……I come back with a purely political rant……go away now if you are an easily offended fan of Mr. Obama.



….you’ve been warned…



When Pres. Obama first ran for office, I listened to his campaign speeches and realized there was zero substance. It was too bad, because he was the most magnificent orator I’d ever heard.  He spoke of “hope” and “change” and had nothing to offer.  Still, I waited and listened and researched. I found a man who spent more than 20 years listening to his pastor damn America from the pulpit. He followed Saul Alinsky, and firmly believed in the man’s socialistic ideas.  For me, these were the first red flags.

Then, “Joe the Plumber” happened, and I watched then-candidate Mr. Obama tell Joe that while it was great he was doing well, wouldn’t it be even better to “spread the wealth” around?  There’s a word for that, friends, and that word is socialism.

I realized we were about to elect a socialist to the office of President.  I didn’t think the American public would be that stupid.  But they were.

Shortly after taking office, Pres. Obama spoke out on a local police matter involving a black professor at Cambridge, calling the local police “stupid”.  I was shocked to hear a sitting President criticizing a local law enforcement officer’s actions.  This is simply not done and is the height of idiocy and arrogance for a President to give voice to his personal feelings over something that’s none of his business.  I began to really worry what he might do next.

Well, it wasn’t what he did, it was what he didn’t do.  He didn’t have that ‘open’ and ‘honest’ Presidency he boasted about. He didn’t post legislation for review, and he didn’t apologize for it.

In 2010, he said “Let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end.” I couldn’t believe my ears. A Commander-in-Chief just announced our withdrawal date to the enemy forces.  I began to wonder if he was naïve or just plain stupid.  Turns out, I believe, he’s a little of both.  And that is a dangerous combination in the leader of the free world.

During his tenure, our national debt has increased by $7 trillion dollars.  That’s more than every president before him combined.  Despite his spending like a drunken sailor, more people are permanently out of the work force (some 11+ million), more people are on assistance (20% of Americans are now receiving food stamps as of 2013), and nearly 11 million Americans are on disability.  And our economic growth is pitiful, if not downright stagnant. These numbers do not lie, and point to massive problems.  One of which is our President’s inability to understand and accept how a free market society operates.

Then, the ACA – or Obamacare.  Get to keep your doctor? Riiiiiiiiiiight.  Costs will go down? Riiiiiiiiiiiight.  Yet, Pres. Obama said both were true.  He either lied or is so naïve as to believe that insurance companies would simply absorb the costs associated with his massive plans.  Not to mention the fact that the ACA forces the average American to buy something he/she may not want. Smacks, again, of socialism.

Pres. Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, is the first AG ever… be held in contempt of Congress.  How bad does one have to behave to earn that distinction?  And how poor is the judgement of the man who appointed him? Frighteningly bad.

His administration gave guns to Mexican cartels that were used to murder hundreds of Mexicans and border agent Brian Terry. Now, the Obama Administration has refused to cooperate with the investigation or hold anyone accountable for that illegal behavior. More recently, his administration gave cash to the Iranian government in return for…nothing.  We got nothing in return for giving money to terrorists hell-bent on destroying the United States.

For 8 years, Pres. Obama has attempted to thwart Israel’s every move to secure their sovereignty in the Middle East.  Our most staunch ally in the region and he has insulted, harassed, and personally stopped the shipment of necessary arms to the Israeli military.  It’s a wonder Netanyahu doesn’t tell him to go fuck himself.  I can only think he’s just biding his time, knowing this clown will be gone soon.

So, my dear readers, these are just a few of the reasons (sweet jeebus, as I think about it I believe I could write a novel on all the reasons) I feared an Obama presidency.  And just a few of the things I saw happen.  It got to the point where I wasn’t even surprised by his stupidity anymore, and I, too, was just biding my time knowing it would end eventually.  Thanking God for term limits as the end of this particularly horrid chapter in our history came ever closer.

Does President-Elect Trump have the answers? I don’t know. I only know he loves this country, loves the ideals it was built on, loves capitalism, and believes in the American dream. How far can that take us? Again, I don’t know, but I’m willing to go along for the ride and find out.  I think we should check back here in a couple of years to see where we might be.



These Pants Are On FI-YUH!!
