There Be Fairies Here!

Because she’s awesome with a generous helping of awesomesauce, my daughter-in-law made me this for my birthday last week:

Side view

This is handmade…handmade…from items found in the woods near her house, and clay she formed into mushrooms (top), and a plate (green) with a loaf of bread cooling on the window sill.  That ‘sill’ is actually part of a turtle shell. See the windchimes on the right? 

Back view

Tiny rocks are stacked to create back wall, a small window opening which has a set of windchimes hanging in front of it, is barely visible.  Reindeer moss adorns the roof. Merrie McCleary, the garden fairy, is currently out tending her garden.

Front view

From the front, Merrie’s stone porch has a small flower pot with a beautiful blue flower in it.  A thyme wreath hangs next to the doorway. 

I am simply amazed by this magical creation and have placed it on my mantel.  I think Merrie approves. 
















Posted on January 18, 2012, in Awesomesauce and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Beautiful!

  2. Spectacular! I used to know an artist that built fairy houses but they pale in comparison to yours.

    • Aww…thank you, this girl is amazingly talented. She does face-painting, draws, creates pottery…she’s all the things I wish I was…creative-wise.

      And yet, she says she envies my writing abilities. Go figure.

      So, I write stories about garden fairies and she brings their homes to life for me. It’s a win-win.

  3. I tell you, it is awesome! (Since it would be hard to dust though, I would keep it in a glass case or display case of some kind)

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